250 E. Arapahoe St., P.O. Box 112 

Thermopolis WY 82443



NW BOCES Educational and Treatment Facility   Learn & Grow

Building Success One Student at a Time


Thank you to NWBOCES/Fremont CSD #6 former Board Member,
Kristen Benson for developing this video.

Our Program​​

Community Integration:  Youth attend concerts, plays, sports events, swim at local hot springs pools, visit local museums including the dinosaur museum, eat at restaurants, attend community events, and go on local and statewide field trips.  These events/activities help the students to generalize skills they have learned and to prepare them for transitioning back to a home, local school district, and community.  The NW BOCES team strives to assist youth to be successful in the least restrictive environment.  

Behavior Program Componenets:  Increase self-control and cooperation; adaptive interventions for co-exiting conditions such as ADHD, ODD, OCD, PTSD, Anxiety Disorders, victims of abuse, aggression, excessive fears, anger, poor social skills, lack of trust, and daily living skills.

Positive reinforcement through a response cost system and progress monitoring.  Token economy and Level Systems

A continuum of care for the "whole child" which includes an Individualized Treatment Plan in the least restrictive environment with 24-hour supervision.

Assessment & Therapy Components: Milieu therapies; psychotherapy using neuropsychiatric and cognitive behavioral approach; family therapy; parent training; comprehensive medical; recreational therapy; behavioral and life skills assessments, medication review, psychiatric evaluation; academic testing, psychological testing, and nutritional reviews.  

Outcome Data:   80% or more of the youth that have completed the NW BOCES treatment program have successfully integrated back to the home community and have had no further residential treatment placements within 3 years of discharge




